
Lite Set

FAQ’s about Classic Lite Set Eyelash Extensions at Lady Lash Australia

What is the difference between silk, mink and flat/cashmere eyelash extensions?


One of the questions we’re asked regularly about eyelash extensions is about the difference between silk and mink eyelash extensions. Having used these materials for years, we’re very familiar with the features of each material and why you might choose one over the other. You don’t have to worry about [...]

What is the difference between silk, mink and flat/cashmere eyelash extensions?2019-08-13T03:04:43+10:00

Can I swim/shower/ get my eyelash extensions wet?


Yes. This is one of our favourite things about eyelash extensions – you can have pretty eyes when you wake up, straight out of the shower, and even out of the pool! If you’re swimming in water that is chlorinated or salty, splash your extensions with fresh water afterwards or [...]

Can I swim/shower/ get my eyelash extensions wet?2022-04-04T11:16:13+10:00

Can anyone use eyelash extensions?


Almost everybody can use eyelash extensions to increase the appeal and look of their eyes. The difference will be instant – your eyes will look sparkly and refreshed immediately! As the glue is applied directly to the eyelash and does not touch the skin, there is very rarely any issue [...]

Can anyone use eyelash extensions?2019-08-26T13:39:24+10:00

How do you remove eye makeup when wearing eyelash extensions?


You must use an oil-free, glycol-free, lash-safe makeup remover - oil-based removers will damage the lash adhesive and can make eyelash extensions fall off prematurely. Lady Lash has sourced some high-quality makeup removers specifically formulated for eyelash extensions and we’ve even made our own lash-safe cleanser, LashGame Foaming Shampoo. Please [...]

How do you remove eye makeup when wearing eyelash extensions?2022-04-04T11:17:15+10:00

Can I wear eye makeup with my eyelash extensions?


Yes, you can – as long as it oil-free and very low in glycol/glycerin. These ingredients attack the glue, eventually loosening the lash bond and causing extensions to fall. The worse thing about oily products though, is that the oils soak into the follicle, and make the lashes more repellant [...]

Can I wear eye makeup with my eyelash extensions?2023-03-12T23:54:55+10:00
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